GitHub for Non-Coders

Stephen Brennan • 07 August 2015

I’ve heard the phrase “GitHub is like Facebook for programmers” a lot. In fact, I’ve used it myself a few times when trying to explain GitHub to people who don’t program. But it’s not really accurate, so I thought I’d take the time to write a little article targeted at non-programmers to explain exactly what GitHub is. Unlike what many programmers might want you to think, it’s not too complicated.

The analogy to Facebook is only partially right. Really, a better analogy might be to Google Docs. GitHub provides a way for programmers to collaborate with each other on programs. Using GitHub, programmers across the world can collaborate seamlessly on open source software. They can also post their own projects so that other programmers can see, use, and even improve them. This all works due to GitHub’s core feature: Git hosting.

Git, for Non-Coders

Git is the name of a version control system (which likely doesn’t help you understand what it is). A version control system is a way for programmers to keep track of the changes they make to their code. They can also use it to try out new ideas without messing up their progress. The easiest way to understand version control is with an example:

Imagine that you are writing a resume for the first time. You pop open Microsoft Word, open a resume template, and start filling in information. Before long, you’ve got a first draft, and you’re absolutely sick of writing resume stuff! So, you save it as Resume Draft 1.docx, and print a few copies. You give one to your parents, another to your career center, and another to a close friend. Being nice people, they read it and mark it with suggestions. Next time you feel up to resume writing, you go back to your computer with the marked up copies.

The first thing you do is open the draft and save it as Resume Draft 2.docx, so that you can keep the old copy of your resume. Then, you start working on improvements. You may repeat the “improve, save, distribute” process a few times, until you’re pretty confident that your resume content is very good.

Next, you realize that your resume is very black, white, and Times New Roman. While you don’t need neon colors, maybe you want something a bit more pleasing to the eye. So, you open a new copy, save it as Resume New Theme Idea.docx, and start making changes. You change the font to something sans serif, add some accent colors, and do some other styling changes. If it ends up looking gaudy, you can always just delete the “New Theme Idea” copy and go back to your old one. But, if it ends up looking better, you can save it as your newest draft, or even Resume Final.docx.

This process (which you may have done yourself) is like a version control system. You don’t want to lose old copies of your resume, and you don’t want to mess up your current copy when you change it, so you clutter your Documents\Resume\ folder with a bunch of different versions. Programmers, who work on files all the time, are very familiar with the necessity to keep around old copies of things. What if they make a change that breaks their program? What if they forget what they did, and can’t get it working again? It may sound silly, but that’s an easy thing to do when you’re working on a project with more than a few files filled with code.

Thankfully, programmers are very lazy, so they came up with ways to relieve themselves of the burden of constantly making copies of their code. Rather predictably, they wrote programs that do it for them, and Git is one such program. Git works by keeping a “timeline” of an entire folder (this is usually called a “repository”). Every so often, a programmer will make a checkpoint of their code (this is called a “commit” or a “check in”). This adds the current state of the folder to Git’s timeline. If they do this consistently, they can always go back and look at older versions of their code, and even restore the older version of their code.

They can even make different “branches” of the timeline, where they try out different things. Branches are just like branches in a tree - places where the history splits off in two directions. This is just like the copy of the resume where you changed fonts and added colors. If you don’t like it, you can get rid of the branch. If you do like it, you can “merge” your main resume with your newly themed resume.

resume history

Here is an example of what your git “timeline” might look like if you had used Git while writing your resume. Each circle represents a git “checkpoint”, and the rectangles are just labels for branches. The master branch is the official version of the resume. The “new theme” branch is where you tried out the new theme idea, but didn’t want to commit to it yet.

So, that’s the basic idea of version control. With the timeline and branching features, programmers are able to have access to any version or branch of their code they’d like, and it’s all done transparently by Git. While there’s plenty more details, this is the general idea.

Collaboration, GitHub Style

Now that you know what Git is, you’ll understand what I mean when I say that GitHub just holds people’s Git repositories. It’s a website just filled with different users and their Git repositiories. Each one contains code and timelines just like the one above. And as convenient as Git was for keeping track of versions of our resume, it becomes even cooler when you allow other people to use it with you.

If you’ve ever collaborated with someone on a Google Doc, you may be familiar with what it’s like to accidentally step on your collaborator’s toes while making changes. If you both edit the same text at the same time, who knows what will happen? This is just as much of a problem when you have multiple people working on code. Thankfully, the Git branches we saw above are perfect for solving this problem. Whenever you need to work on something, you can start your own branch, make changes on that branch, and when you’re done, you and your collaborators can merge those changes into the master branch!

This could all be done without GitHub. People could organize themselves using email, and pick somebody’s computer to hold the main copy of the code. However, GitHub provides a much more “slick” way to do this. Programmers can put their Git repositories on GitHub, and invite other programmers to join their project. Whenever one person has a branch they’d like to merge into master, they create something called a “Pull Request”. This is an awesome tool that brings everyone’s attention to the new changes. It allows everyone to comment on lines of code, suggesting improvements. When it’s agreed that the changes are ready to incorporate into the master branch, the project owner can accept the pull request, which merges the branch.

For example, here is a pull request a classmate of mine made on one of our projects (YAMS) last semester. He wrote code to implement a feature in our project. I tried out the code he wrote, found an error, and he fixed it. After that, we approved his changes and added them to our project. The pull request allowed us to communicate quickly, see his changes, and even test them out before approving them. There were 6 people working on that project, but by using the branching and pull requests, everyone was able to work simultaneously without stepping on each other’s toes.

GitHub as the “Facebook of Programmers”

That’s an overview of what GitHub actually does for programmers. It has plenty more features that I could explain, but it’s enough to say that most of them give programmers better ways to communicate about their code, and fix problems with it. After learning about all the productivity tools that GitHub has to offer, it may seem a little silly that people call it the “Facebook of Programmers”. Why not the “Microsoft Office of Programmers”, or “Google Docs of Programmers”? Well, while GitHub does provide an excellent venue for getting things done, it also is full of social features.

Programmer Street Cred

Every member of GitHub gets a profile page. Here’s mine. The profile page is full of information about you. It has a list of your repositories, ordered by how many people have “starred” them. It also shows the repositories belonging to other people that you’ve contributed to. And, perhaps the most popular form of programmer street cred, there is the contribution graph! The contribution graph is a yearly calendar with marks on each day that you “contributed” to code on GitHub. It also counts up the total number of contributions you’ve made over the last year, and your longest streak of contributions. Here is my contribution graph:

My contribution graph

In essence, your GitHub profile is like a “scorecard”, and it makes everything a bit more competitive. The result of this friendly competition between programmers is that everyone learns more, and open source software is improved.

Following Your Friends

GitHub allows you to “follow” your friends’ profiles, as well as “star” their repositories. When you do this, they get added to the news feed on your GitHub homepage. You get to see when they create new projects or improve existing ones. Plus, followers and stars can be another metric to go on your “scorecard”.

Programmer Portfolio

One benefit of GitHub is that once you’re a member for a few years, you start racking up a pretty excellent list of programming projects in your profile. If nothing else, you can use this list to prepare for interviews. But sometimes, recruiters may even look at your GitHub portfolio to see what sort of projects you have done.


GitHub is a pretty excellent tool for programmers, for both productivity and social networking. It’s not purely social like Facebook, or pure productivity, like MS Office. But it’s a really powerful combination of the two that allows for a lot of possibilities.

To be clear, GitHub isn’t the only website like this. Many other websites host programmers’ repositories, like Bitbucket, SourceForge, GitLab, CodePlex, and Visual Studio Online. But GitHub just has the most users (at least, in my demographic), so I use it the most.

Hopefully, this article has helped you understand what GitHub is, especially if you’ve never written a line of code in your life. Let me know in the comments whether it helped!


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