Network Booting Raspberry Pi 4B with Upstream Kernel

Stephen Brennan • 04 December 2019

This is a guide and personal documentation for how I got my Raspberry Pi 4B booted with an upstream Linux kernel. I use this setup for quickly booting custom kernels as I do development. As a result, I had the following goals:

  1. Quick boot cycles with no fiddling with SD card
  2. Reasonably simple to configure (although it still took me several days to get everything figured out)
  3. Userspace needs minimal functionality, just enough to do simple tests

The resulting setup involves network booting, so that you don’t need to copy the kernel image, config.txt, or cmdline.txt each time you change them. Userspace is just an initrd with BusyBox, and a custom shell script running as init. The setup looks something like this:

+---------+                +---------------+
|   Pi    |<-- ethernet -->|  Dev Machine  | . . . wifi . . . < Internet >
+---------+                +---------------+
                           | (kernel +     |
                           | userspace     |
                           | images)       |

The Pi’s ethernet port plugs directly into my Linux development machine (a laptop), which has a wifi internet connection. This ethernet connection allows the Pi’s bootloader to grab boot files from my computer. The Pi is also plugged into a HDMI monitor, USB keyboard, and USB C power cable. If you want to follow along, you’ll want to have all of those components, as well as a Micro SD card with Raspbian installed.

A final note before starting this: network booting a Pi 4B is still in beta at the time of writing. You’ll need to be prepared to potentially use the recovery steps to reprogram the EEPROM if things go awry. But if you’re following along with this guide, you’re probably willing to do that.

Let’s get into how to set everything up.

Step 1: Get a cross compiler

If you happen to already be on an ARM machine, I guess you can skip this. But for the rest of us, you’ll need to install a cross-compiler toolchain which will let you compile for arm7l. This will be necessary so we can compile the kernel, as well as the userspace.

On Ubuntu, there is a pre-built package gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf, but for me on Arch Linux, the best you can find is the AUR package arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc. This means you’ll need to do a lot of compiling to create the cross-compiler, as the package maintainer says here. Thankfully, my AUR helper was able to pretty much automate all this (run on your Linux dev machine, not the Pi):

yaourt -S arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
# Go through the prompts. It will take a long time. Watch Netflix?
# I had to add some pgp keys with `gpg --recv-keys KEYID` in a separate
# terminal when prompted.

Step 2: Prepare your EEPROM

The Raspberry Pi has firmware and bootloaders that are responsible for loading the kernel. The most recent beta firmware implements network boot, and it requires updating and configuring your Pi 4’s EEPROM. While normally I would spell out all the commands necessary to do this, there’s actually really amazing documentation describing how to do it. Simply boot into Raspbian and run the commands from the Installation, Configuration, and Update sections of that page. Once you’ve rebooted, the firmware should be up-to-date and you can continue on.

Step 3: Prepare boot files

The way network boot works, is that the firmware/bootloader will do DHCP (essentially, ask to connect to a network over Ethernet), and then use “Trivial File Transfer Protocol”, aka TFTP, to request files necessary to boot. Some of the necessary boot files include firmware files, so the first thing you’ll want to do is download the latest version of the Raspberry Pi Firmware. While git cloning may seem like the right move here… trust me, just download the ZIP file, it’ll be much faster.

Create a directory to host your boot files, e.g. $HOME/rpi-boot, and copy the files from the boot directory of that repository into there. For example:

mkdir $HOME/rpi-boot
cp -r firmware-master/boot/* $HOME/rpi-boot/

Note that this will contain some kernel images already. These are precompiled, and built from the downstream Raspberry Pi Linux tree. They’re great to have around, but we won’t be using them.

Step 4: Prepare busybox initrd

Once network boot has loaded a kernel, the kernel is going to want a root filesystem. We have several options here. One is to use “Network File System”, i.e. NFS, to share a root directory which the kernel can read. This is a totally valid approach, but for me, I found it to be difficult to configure, arcane, and ultimately really flakey. So, I didn’t use NFS.

A drop-dead simple way to have a root file system is to use an “initial ramdisk”, and just include a very small userspace. BusyBox is an excellent set of core utilities which has a very small footprint. Using our new cross-compiler, we will compile our userspace and install it into a directory on our computer. This will later get bundled up into the initial ramdisk, which will get loaded with the kernel.

To get started, hit up BusyBox and find their latest source tarball. From there:

# Download and extract it
wget <BusyBox latest release tarball>
tar xf <the-tarball>
cd <the-extracted-directory>

# Configure and compile, statically linked
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- defconfig
LDFLAGS="--static" make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- -j4

So far, we’ve downloaded, configured, and compiled busybox. We used --static to statically link the C library. This means that we won’t need to build & install the C library into our initramfs, which cuts down on the work here. Now, we’ll go ahead and create the skeleton of the initramfs, and install BusyBox into it.

# Create the root directory of the ramfs
mkdir ~/rpi-ramfs

# Install tools & symlinks
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- install CONFIG_PREFIX=~/rpi-ramfs

# Create important directories
mkdir -p ~/rpi-ramfs/{proc,sys,dev,etc,usr/lib,bin,sbin}

# Rather than using busybox's "real" init system, we're going to use some
# shell scripts. Just delete the symlink:
rm ~/rpi-ramfs/sbin/init
vim ~/rpi-ramfs/sbin/init  # see below
vim ~/rpi-ramfs/sbin/init2  # also see below

For /sbin/init (the main init) I ended up using the following:

mount -t proc none /proc
mount -t sysfs none /sys
echo /sbin/mdev > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug
/sbin/mdev -s
exec setsid sh -c 'exec sh </dev/tty1 >/dev/tty1 2>&1 /sbin/init2'

The first few lines mount some kernel filesystems and get hotplugging setup. You may even be able to skip them, but I wanted to have them around. The last line I included because I was having trouble seeing any command input or output from this script. For example, a command like echo hello world would not output onto the screen.

The BusyBox FAQ gave me some advice for fixing this issue, which you can see in the final line. It essentially does some job control magic before executing the contents of /sbin/init2. Any commands you put in that file will get executed, and you’ll be able to see their output too! Here is what I ended up putting in init2, but you are free to put whatever tests you want:

echo 'hello world'

head -c2 /dev/hwrng

# do user commands
exec /bin/sh

Once you’ve created these files in your ramfs, you should be all set. The following step (compiling the kernel) will automatically build your ramfs for you!

Step 5: Compile kernel

Although the boot files in Step 2 include several kernels, we would like to compile our own kernel directly from the upstream Linux project. Since upstream support for the Pi 4 is constantly evolving, you’ll need to get the latest possible release. I’d recommend grabbing the latest linux-next tree, which is linked on the kernel homepage.

To compile and build the kernel, we’ll create a “build directory”. This is my preferred mechanism of compiling the kernel – it ensures that your source directory stays clean, and you can have multiple build directories with completely different settings in parallel. Here’s how it will look:

cd path/to/your/linux/tree

# Create the directory where build results will be placed
mkdir ~/rpi-build

# Configure the kernel
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- -j4 defconfig O=~/rpi-build defconfig
scripts/config --file ~/rpi-build/.config --disable CONFIG_LOCALVERSION_AUTO
scripts/config --file ~/rpi-build/.config --set-str CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE ~/rpi-ramfs
scripts/config --file ~/rpi-build/.config --set-val CONFIG_INITRAMFS_ROOT_UID 1000
scripts/config --file ~/rpi-build/.config --set-val CONFIG_INITRAMFS_ROOT_GID 1000

# Compile it!
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- -j4 O=~/rpi-build

In this configuration, we use INITRAMFS_ROOT_SOURCE to specify our ramfs directory location. This handy setting tells the kernel build system to package up that folder, build a ramfs, and compile it into the kernel. This way, we don’t need to tell the bootloader anything about the ramfs, which is really convenient; I haven’t been able to get the Raspberry Pi network bootloader to work with external initramfs yet.

Now that the kernel is built, we simply need to copy all necessary boot files into the ~/rpi-boot directory so the Pi will network boot from it:

cp ~/rpi-build/arch/arm/boot/zImage ~/rpi-boot/kernel-upstream.img
cp ~/rpi-build/arch/arm/boot/dts/bcm2711-rpi-4-b.dtb ~/rpi-boot/bcm2711-rpi-4-b-UPSTREAM.dtb

The first file, not surprisingly, is the kernel. The second one is a Device Tree, which contains a complete specification of the devices available on the board. It is different from the one that is shipped with the Rapsberry Pi firmware we downloaded before, so we keep it separate and be sure to only use this one with upstream kernels.

To instruct the Raspberry Pi to use the new kernel and device tree, we’ll need to edit the config.txt of the boot directory with the following:

# Good for if you have a USB serial cable, but not necessary

# Upstream kernel

We also want to set some command line arguments for the kernel in cmdline.txt of the boot directory:

dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty0 rootfstype=ramfs root=/dev/ram rw rdinit=/sbin/init

Step 6: Setup DHCP & TFTP

Remember back in step 2, where I said that the bootloader would DHCP and then load boot files over TFTP? Now is the time to set up those things on your Linux development machine. While this might sound realy daunting, I found it surprisingly interesting on my Arch Linux machine (with NetworkManager), and it should be similarly easy on Ubuntu or other distros.

Quite simply, open up your network settings panel (nm-connection-editor is a popular choice here, although I found the KDE network settings panel worthy as well), and create a new wired connection which is “shared to other computers”. Click through any wizard and save the connection. Be sure to set its preference higher than any other Ethernet connections you have, so that it is chosen by default when your Ethernet cable is plugged in. You really want to test this out to make sure it works. Otherwise later, you’ll wonder why your Pi isn’t booting.

To get DHCP and TFTP running, first install dnsmasq. Then go ahead and edit the file /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq-shared.d/tftp.conf to look like this:

# Skip DNS hosting, we're just trying to serve DHCP here.
# It's really nice to be able to debug what the firmware is doing
# dnsmasq will be our tftp server
# you should expand out $HOME below, dnsmasq will not do it for you
pxe-service=0,"Raspberry Pi Boot"

Once that’s done, restart NetworkManager so that the changes will take effect.

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

Step 5: Configure and boot

At this point, everything is ready. We have compiled a kernel, which contains our homemade initrd with BusyBox all baked in. We have all the necessary firmware in a boot directory, which we have configured to serve over TFTP.

All we need to do is plug the Pi into our development machine over ethernet, and turn on the power. It’s also nice to have the serial port on, or the HDMI port plugged in, so you can see console output.

When you power on the Pi, you can watch your system log like this to see the DHCP requests and TFTP activity as your Pi starts up:

journalctl -f

For me, I see things like this for DNS:

dnsmasq-dhcp[112203]: 3209674060 DHCPREQUEST(enp0s25) MAC-ADDRESS-HERE

From there, I see the following for TFTP:

dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: sent /home/stephen/rpi-boot/config.txt to
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: file /home/stephen/rpi-boot/recover4.elf not found
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: file /home/stephen/rpi-boot/recovery.elf not found
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: sent /home/stephen/rpi-boot/start4.elf to
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: sent /home/stephen/rpi-boot/fixup4.dat to
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: file /home/stephen/rpi-boot/recovery.elf not found
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: sent /home/stephen/rpi-boot/config.txt to
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: file /home/stephen/rpi-boot/dt-blob.bin not found
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: file /home/stephen/rpi-boot/recovery.elf not found
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: sent /home/stephen/rpi-boot/config.txt to
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: file /home/stephen/rpi-boot/bootcfg.txt not found
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: sent /home/stephen/rpi-boot/bcm2711-rpi-4-b-UPSTREAM.dtb to
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: sent /home/stephen/rpi-boot/config.txt to
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: sent /home/stephen/rpi-boot/overlays/pi3-disable-bt.dtbo to
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: sent /home/stephen/rpi-boot/cmdline.txt to
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: file /home/stephen/rpi-boot/armstub8-32-gic.bin not found
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: error 0 Early terminate received from
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: failed sending /home/stephen/rpi-boot/kernel-upstream.img to
dnsmasq-tftp[3138]: sent /home/stephen/rpi-boot/kernel-upstream.img to

The TFTP requests will reveal interesting behavior in the bootloader. For instance, you can see that the bootloader tests for the existence of several files, including the kernel. It will “even” cancel loading these files, and request them again once it “decides” on which kernel it wants to really load.

If you’re lucky, you’ll see the kernel boot up, and you’ll see output from the init script pop up on the monitor or serial port. Congratulations - you’ve done a lot of work, but now you have a kernel development setup which gives you pretty amazing power over the entire system - you can freely modify any part of the system and experiment as much as possible!

Resources & Further work

First, this article is heavily based upon several others describing related setups, from which I’ve built my own.


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Stephen Brennan's Blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License