Build your own OS: Pre-emptive Multitasking

Stephen Brennan • 08 February 2020

One of my recent long-running projects has been building my own operating system. It’s called SOS, for Stephen’s OS (real creative, I know). And beyond all odds, this project has progressed really well! Recently, SOS got the ability to do pre-emptive multitasking — and it only took me 116 commits and 1.5 years of on-and-off effort to get there! Throughout that time, I haven’t really posted about SOS because it felt too complicated to write about. But I don’t want to let that prevent me from trying, so going forward, I’m going to try to post about different features and achievements with SOS. To start, this post will describe how I got pre-emptive multitasking working.

What is pre-emptive multitasking?

An OS kernel’s primary job is to manage resources, and one of the most basic resources to manage is the CPU. The OS needs to be able to allow every program to “have a turn” executing on the CPU. This means that it needs to be able to run a process for some time, but then pause its execution and allow another process to continue. Beyond simply allocating CPU time, this also gives the illusion of several programs running in parallel, even though only one can ever be running on one CPU at a time.

The challenge is that most programs are not written to be considerate of other running programs by pausing their own execution. And even if they were, it would only take one buggy or malicious program to starve the rest of the programs of CPU time. So the OS needs a way to pause the execution of a program without its cooperation. This is where the timer comes in. Timers tick at a regular interval, and can be configured to trigger an interrupt after a certain number of ticks. This interrupt will pause whatever the CPU is doing, giving the OS the opportunity to let another process use the CPU.

Enabling timer interrupts on ARM

When I began implementing timer interrupts in SOS, the OS already supported multiple processes. The were able to make system calls, and could “cooperatively multitask” by calling a relinquish() system call which would allow the OS to schedule another process. I wanted to switch to the pre-emptive multitasking model by enabling timer interrupts and allowing the OS to schedule new processes during the interrupt.

SOS targets the ARMv7-A architecture. While it is “optional”, the architecture includes the “ARM Generic Timer”. You can read all about it in Chapter B8 of the reference manual. This timer consists of five registers:

With that information, I created this initialization function for the timer:

#define HZ 100

void timer_init(void)
	uint32_t dst;

	/* get timer frequency */

	/* Set timer tval to tick at appx HZ per second, by dividing the
	 * frequency by HZ */
	dst /= HZ;

	/* Enable the timer */
	dst = 1;
	SET_CNTP_CTL(dst); /* enable timer */


Each GET_ and SET_ macro expands to a special ARM assembly instruction which loads the value of these registers into (or stores the value from) the variable given as argument. For example:

# Load CNTFRQ register into register v1 (the dst variable).
# Each additional argument beyond "v1" identifies the register CNTFRQ from
# the generic timer -- these values can be found in the architecture
# reference manual.
mrc p15, 0, v1, c14, c0, 0

I wanted to have the interrupt trigger 100 times per second, so I defined that as the constant HZ. This value effectively subdivides CPU time into 100 slices per second. We divide the frequency by this value to determine the number of timer ticks to wait until the interrupt to fire. We set this into the TimerValue register, which will count down and fire an interrupt when it hits zero. Finally, we set the control register to the value 1. This value enables the timer and ensures that the interrupt will be delivered, at least to the interrupt controller.

The final line, gic_enable_interrupt(30u), enables the timer interrupt in the “Generic Interrupt Controller.” While not the subject of this blog post, the GIC allows the CPU to enable and manage interrupts from multiple sources. The number 30 is the interrupt identifier which belongs to the timer. In a more mature operating system, it would likely be detected automatically via the Device Tree, but for the purposes of getting this working, I’ve hard-coded it.

Handling the timer interrupt

Once the timer interrupt is configured, we know that an interrupt will fire in 1/100th of a second, so we need to have an interrupt handler configured for it. For the ARMv7-A architecture, when an interrupt is triggered, the CPU saves a few pieces of state, and immediately jumps and begins executing instructions from address 0x18. From there, the SOS interrupt handler does a few critical steps:

  1. Store the CPU’s return state onto a stack dedicated for interrupt handling. The return state includes the address of the instruction which we will continue executing once the interrupt has finished being handled.
  2. Push all the registers which the interrupted process could have been using onto the stack.
  3. Branch into a C function which will continue handling the interrupt.
  4. On return, restore all of this state from the stack, and return to the interrupted instruction.

Let’s take a closer look at the C function which handles the interrupt:

void irq(void)
	uint32_t intid = gic_interrupt_acknowledge();

	if (intid == 30) {
	} else if (intid == 33) {
	} else {
		printf("Unhandled IRQ: ID=%u, not ending\n", intid);

The gic_interrupt_acknowledge() function reads a special register from the interrupt controller, which tells us which interrupt ID triggered the exception. Again, if the OS were more mature, we could have dynamically looked up which interrupt corresponded to which device, but I hard-coded it here as well.

Since many devices other than the timer could interrupt the processor (such as the UART, which is also handled here), we need to check this interrupt ID and pass control onto the timer if this was a timer interrupt. Here is the timer_isr() function (here ISR stands for “Interrupt Service Routine”):

void timer_isr(uint32_t intid)
	uint32_t reg;

	/* Reset timer to go off in another 1/HZ second */
	reg /= HZ;

	/* Ensure the timer is still on */
	reg = 1;

	/* Interrupt should now be safe to clear */

	reg = reg & ARM_MODE_MASK;
	if (reg == ARM_MODE_USER || reg == ARM_MODE_SYS) {
		/* We interrupted sys/user mode. This means we can go ahead and
		 * reschedule safely. */

Right off the bat, we do the same thing we did when we initialized the timer: set it to go off in another hundredth of a second, and ensure it is still enabled. The next thing we do is use gic_end_interrupt(), which writes the interrupt ID to another special register in the interrupt controller, informing it that we’ve handled the interrupt. At this point, we’ve done all the hardware housekeeping necessary to manage the timer interrupt and keep it ticking on at 100Hz (roughly). We can now turn to the reason we enabled the timer to begin with: implementing pre-emptive multi-tasking.

Since the interrupt began, the pre-empted process has had all of its state pushed to the stack, and the state will be restored when we return. All we should need to do is swap out that state with a different process’s state, and that new process would be resumed instead. However, there’s a catch! We’re not guaranteed that what was interrupted is even a user-space process. Interrupts can happen at any time, and it’s possible that the code which was interrupted was actually the kernel itself, while it was running a system call. Since the kernel is not a process, SOS’s context switching system can’t simply swap it out. To ensure that we only swap out processes (and kernel threads, which are implemented as processes too), we check to see what mode the process we interrupted was in. If we interrupted something in user mode (i.e. a process) or system mode (i.e. a kernel thread), then we are safe to schedule a new process. However, if we interrupted supervisor mode (i.e. a system call) then we simply return.

Scheduling & Beyond

At this point, we’ve seen the timer initialization, and we’ve seen the code that runs (100 times per second!) to handle the interrupt. When the interrupted code is a process, we call into the scheduler, which will select a new process and resume that one instead. SOS currently uses a simple round-robin scheduler, and I hope to write an article about that soon as well.

Hopefully this has been an interesting dive into the timer interrupt and implementing pre-emptive multiprocessing. I’ve simplified things a bit, to make this a quick article. Here’s a peek at some of the extra complexity I left out:

  1. I didn’t really touch on the assembly code to save and restore process state. This code is superficially simple, but very fragile and requires lots of tweaking to get right. If you grab the SOS source you can see it in kernel/entry.s.
  2. Processes also can be suspended by making system calls. For example, using the relinquish() system call I described above, or if it’s waiting for user input. When I implemented pre-emptive multitasking, I had to revisit a lot of code to make sure that process context switching could support both interrupts and system calls.
  3. System calls run in a different mode (superviser mode) than interrupts (IRQ mode). Each of these modes uses a different stack. So the code which knows how to context-switch needs to be able to find the stored context we pushed on the stack, regardless of the mode.
  4. If we interrupted the kernel as it performs a system call, then we won’t schedule a new process. This means that whichever process made the system call will get an extra time slice. This is pretty unfair, and I haven’t yet addressed this unfairness.
  5. Sometimes there are no processes available to schedule, and so the CPU needs to idle. I went ahead and implemented a whole “idle process” just to satisfy this need.

If you are interested in seeing more about this operating system, please check it out on Github and look out for more articles about its innards!


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